The term "Around the rock" reminds us that the earth is a rock covered with water and vegetation, essential to the survival of biodiversity. Man depends on the planet and has the choice to overuse the land irreversibly or preserve it for future generations hence this question :


The answer may seem obvious and yet the awareness of each individual is different depending on the geographical origin and lifestyle.

As far as we are concerned, we decided to act for the future of biodiversity in directing us to the protection of endangered species and their habitat.

Our involvement in projects to protect rhinos in Swaziland, felines in Florida, small and medium sized endangered species in France have allowed us to make the transition from tourist status to the volunteer status, making form a project in our mind :

A world tour, punctuated with voluntary work in associations which fight for the protection of wildlife.

A multitude of small associations with limited resources, rely on solidarity and sharing to carry out their actions.

TournageOur goal is to present the work of these associations, promote fair and responsible travel, through videos, stories and pictures available on our website.

During this journey, we will drive in remote areas, difficult to access, which is why we decided to use an all-road vehicle with a minimum of options so that we can live independently..

Our environmental convictions led us to equip our car with two fuel savers: the FDME (fragmentor of ecological molecules) and PGH (Hydrogenated Production Gas).

The departure of this world tour is scheduled for spring 2014.

The red list of endangered species in the world is unfortunately very long. That is why we have decided to present a non-exhaustive list of animals whose status is more or less critical, and that we will try to approach.

  • Africa
  • America
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • Oceania

AssociationThe association "Around The Rock" was created in order to promote eco-volunteering for reserves, zoos, shelters and organizations protecting endangered species and thus biodiversity essential to the balance on earth. All human beings are directly affected by disruptions in the ecological chain, because our survival and that of our children depends exclusively on the flora and fauna around us.

« Around the Rock » has already more than 60 members, performs voluntary actions, brings experience, equipment and / or financial support to other organizations for the protection of the environment. Members communicate the usefulness ecovolunteers actions, allowing a wider audience to add its contribution through voluntary actions. Everyone can be ecovolunteer (eg, IT specialists, accountants ...), because the associations often need complementary skills in fields they don’t know.

The website « Around AssociationThe Rock » is a link between ecovolunteers and organizations of preservation of flora and fauna. Many people feel concerned about environmental issues, but do not know how to act at their level. Therefore, the association helps all people (members or not to the association) to better organize volunteer opportunities.

Among the actions taken by "Around The Rock", there is a specific project of a world tour over a period of 5 years with the aim of discovering reserves, refuges, zoos, to be volunteer there, to provide material, financial aid, make videos and worksheets presentations in order to introduce them to the public. This mission will be led by Céline GIBERT and Anthony PHILIPPE, and punctuated with voluntary work by the members in reserves and country of their choice. It is not a tourist trip, as many people may realize, but an environmental mission that will lead to a movie showing that we can all take action for Associationthe environment in our own small way. The film will then be distributed to schools and other organizations to raise awareness and create vocations around the preservation of species and eco-volunteering.

Status of general interest of the association allow to approach a greater number of sponsors and to act further for the conservation of biodiversity, so that future generations thrive on a planet preserved and continue the work we have committed.

  • Transportation
  • Shooting

4x4 Priority for anyone wanting to make a trip with an all-road vehicle is to understand how it works, its capabilities and its limits in order to drive SAFELY.

We opted for a 4x4 with an intermediate frame because it is less expensive, combined with a 3L engine which uses less fuel.

The interior is a rustic and solid design which allows us to live independently in remote areas.

The vehicle contributes to the success of a project like ours, so we spent a lot of time to prepare it in order to meet our needs and to carry out this project of world tour.

Here is a video produced with the support of Rachel and Philippe Simonin, whose images come from various courses, treks and hikes.

We also thank Françoise GRACIET and Euro4x4parts team who brought some changes to the vehicle as our learning. http://www.euro4x4parts.com/

During our different trips we brought videos back, that Philippe GILBERT, multimedia director (hd5153.com) taught us to treat in order to make videos. He also explained the basic principles allowing us to improve our shooting.

The videos below were taken during volunteer missions in Swaziland (2008), Florida (2009) and France (2012). It is also from these images that Philippe made the Teaser (Trailer) of the ecovolunteer world tour project.




Céline GIBERT,

28 years old, comes from Avranches (France - Normandy) and currently lives in Alençon. Graduated with a master of International Management obtained after 6 months of study in South Korea, at the University of Ewha Womans University, she then specializes in management control at the IAE of Caen in France. Her career began in an automotive supplier and she works now for MPO company, French manufacturer of optical disc and solar cells.



38 years old, comes from Mortain (France - Normandy) and currently lives in Alençon. Graduated with a BTS Manufacturing, he gets professional experience in companies such as Acome Guy Degrenne, Adiamix,...

Twenty years in the industrial world, allowed him to occupy positions ranging from machining center operator to sales manager for a Dutch company processing stainless steels.


For over 10 years, these two globetrotters travelled through Europe, the United States, Chile, Tibet, China, South Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania and Swaziland.
